Archive for June, 2016

Oral Cancer and Hepatitis C

The Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) recently found that individuals infected with the hepatitis C virus are two to five times more likely to develop head and neck cancers. The JNCI study found that the risk for hepatitis C patients of developing head and neck cancers more than doubled for oral cavity and […]

Learning the Lingo – Dental Implants

Dental implants are a safe and effective replacement for a missing tooth or teeth. Dental implants are a safe and effective replacement for a missing tooth or teeth. The implant is placed in your jawbone and integrates with your natural bone. This implant then forms a stable, sturdy base for your new teeth. What They […]

Eating After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Following a wisdom tooth extraction, most people recover fairly quickly! However, you may want to progress slowly back to eating certain foods! When it comes to getting your wisdom teeth pulled, you may be stressing about the long list of foods you can’t eat. Don’t worry – you won’t starve! We want your recovery to […]